Know the Sciences (native) — Drumstick / Moringa tree
The Moringa tree, which is mostly found in most of the Indian houses both in villages and cities. It provides us with numerous medicinal benefits. All parts of Moringa have medicinal properties. The whole Moringa tree is beneficial to man. The origin of Moringa is India, based on the foothills of the Himalayas. Siddhas call Moringa as “Brahma Vrutsam”, “Karpakha Taru”.
Moringa leaf is recommended as a nutritional food in most countries. It is an herbal friend that gives strength. Let’s know about him here.
Nutrition Facts of Moringa — it contains:
- 7 times more vitamin C than an orange.
- 4 times more calcium than milk
- 4 times more vitamin A than carrots
- 3 times more potassium than a banana
- 2 times more protein than yogurt
- Rich in iron, 75 times more iron than any other vegetable.
- Moringa contains antioxidants, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C.
Moringa Spinach / Leaf: Moringa is the number one food that removes toxins. Moringa leaf reduces body heat.
- If you extract moringa leaves and eat them with pepper juice, the pains in the hands and feet will go away.
- Leave fried in ghee and eaten will increase the blood in the body of anemic people.
- Daily intake of moringa leaves improves immunity, strengthens teeth, prevents hair loss, reduces gray hair, reduces skin diseases, relieves stomach ulcers, mouth ulcers, and headaches.
- Removes uterine defects and promotes conception. Moringa is a boon for pregnant women as it accelerates delivery.
- Leaf extract increases breast milk secretion
- Removes sterility.
- Leaf soup can control colds and asthma.
- Mix lemon juice with moringa juice and apply on the face to reduce acne.
- Leaf powder is used to treat and control skin diseases and infections.
- Leaf tea helps in weight loss.
- It helps in controlling blood sugar levels.
Drumstick: Drumstick gives good strength to the body and it is rich in zinc.
- Eating drumstick twice a week will clean the blood and kidneys.
- It is an excellent remedy for constipation, stomach ulcer, eye diseases.
- If children eat drumstick seeds, the germs in the rectum will come out.
- Moringa is good for treating hoarse throat, phlegm and sore throat.
- Drumsticks are rich in vitamins needed for bones.
- Moringa seed chewed in the mouth and water is sweet. If the seeds are soaked in milk and ground and eaten, the efficiency of the sperms will increase.
Moringa Flower: Moringa flower has medicinal properties. It has the power to remove amnesia and stimulate memory.
- Grind Moringa flower and mix it with milk and boil it with Panangakandu and drink it both morning and evening to improve memory.
- Mixed with cow’s milk and brewed well and consumed both morning and evening will increase the moisture in the eyes and cure eye problems.
- Flower dried in the shade and powdered and eaten with honey will turn white. The conjunctiva in the eye also changes.
Moringa bark: Moringa bark are also used medicinally. It is the best medicine for nervous disorders.
- Nervous disorders will gradually decrease if the bark is powdered and eaten along with food
- Grind Moringa bark with water and put them on the swellings to reduce the swelling. The tumor dissolves.
- Grind and grind Moringa bark with milk and apply it on the forehead to relieve headache.
- Grinding and extracting the extract of Moringa bark and rubbing it in the places with arthritis pain will relieve its pain.
- Moringa bark juice, Kuppaimeni plant (Indian Acalypha) juice, mix these two in equal amount, distill oil and apply it on the scabies of scabies.
- Grind green moringa bark and boil it in oil and put a drop in the ear to heal the sores in the ear.
Moringa resin: The science of moringa resin is worth knowing. This moringa resin is very good for strengthening and tightening the body and to keep the body in good shape. Moringa resin is in crimson color that can be extracted from the tree. The excessive calcium, lime, and fiber that can be present in the moringa tree will form resin and be extracted from the tree.
It is very easy process to make a powder, grind the moringa resin into two pieces and fry it in ghee. If you keep this powder in boiling water overnight and drink it early in the morning, you will get amazing health results.
- Crushed and powdered moringa resin mixed with milk and drinking this with a little sugarcane will increase virility and the face will glow brighter.
-If you put a drop of green resin in the ear, the earache will stop immediately.
There is a thought which believed to stay fit one should only go to gym and exercise extensively. You don’t have to do any of this, if you walk for an hour in the morning, soak this moringa resin and eat it as it is, and eat fruit for breakfast, you will get a wonderful body. We can go on and on about the greatness of drumsticks. Moringa is a miracle given to us by nature.
References: Miracle Moringa — Madhivanan