Know the Sciences ( Native) — Henna
We do not have a complete understanding of many objects used by our ancestors. They ate food as medicine. They lived with medicine in their practical lifestyle. Henna is most important among them.
Henna is a decorative pattern drawn on the human body using paste grounded from dried henna leaves. Henna is the most popular body art for women in the Indian subcontinent, Africa and the Middle East since ancient times. Indian women loves henna very much, henna and Indian women can never be separated.
The word mehndi is derived from the Sanskrit word hendika. Henna has many medicinal uses and is not just decorative. Its leaves, bark, flowers, fruits etc. have medicinal uses. Placing henna leaves on the hands has various benefits. But these benefits are not likely to be available in store-bought henna cones. It contains a lot of chemicals that are used for making attractive bright red colors. During ancient time, Henna was used to keep the body healthy, from the scalp to the feet sole.
How many of us know that henna has such great health benefits? Let’s find out about it through this post.
Henna not only women, but men can also use henna. It is not shameful for men to use henna. Henna is naturally available and can be used by anyone.
Henna leaves are antiseptic, able to kill invisible germs. Henna can be called as dermatologist. Just one reminder to use fresh henna leaves.
Menstruation: Henna leaves have muscle tightening properties. There is medication to prevent excessive bleeding. It helps to make menstruation easier. Relieves vaginal discharge and excessive menstrual bleeding in women. Henna can be used to relieve abdominal pain during menstruation.
Blood: Henna leaves help in removing toxins from the blood in the body. Take henna leaves and boil them in water, strain the water and add twice the amount of water to it and drink it after dinner until it reaches one pint, the toxins in the blood will be removed and the blood will be cleansed. Drink this once in six months.
Sleep: Collect and dry henna flowers and make them like a pillow to get good sleep and reduce head lice. Take henna flowers and clean them, grind one teaspoon of henna flowers in warm water and drink it daily. If you do this regularly, you will get better sleep. Even those who say that only sleeping pills make them sleepy, if they try this, they will get sleep without pills.
Nail: Grind a little bit of betel nut with henna leaves and put it on fingernails and toenails at night, sleep after drying and wash off in the morning. Doing this once in 15 days will solve the problem of dirt and lack of luster. Also, any disease related to nails can be prevented. Ingrown toenails, sore toenails, peeling skin on the edges of fingers are caused by invisible fungi and germs. Toenail fungus is very painful and painful. A simple remedy is to grind henna with turmeric and apply it regularly. If you apply this on your nails for up to 5 days and wash it off after an hour, the nail polish will disappear.
Reduces heat: The cooling properties of henna reduce heat significantly. It is very good for those suffering from hot body to apply henna frequently. Applying henna seed oil on the body cures body irritation.
Skin: Henna leaves cures mud spots on hands and feet, blackheads, warts, bilious eruptions, blackheads on the skin, and rashes. Grind henna leaves with turmeric and neem leaves, apply on the affected area and take bath. If you continue to do this for a month, black power will disappear. But don’t use too much soap while using it. Henna leaves can even cure leprosy if used properly. This remedy can also be used for rashes, scabies etc. Henna leaves and its flowers are used as a remedy for leprosy. This has been confirmed by clinical studies.
Mouth ulcer & Sore throat: A little henna paste should be soaked in water. After soaking for 1 hour, this water should be boiled and brewed. This decoction cures mouth swelling, sore throat and there will be no pain and irritation. You should use henna paste washed with clean water. Thus, even if they enter the body, there is no damage.
Foot & leg: Grinding henna leaves and keeping them on the feet is still the best method in traditional medicine to prevent foot irritation. For problems like irritation, mud ulcers, toenail fungus, grinding henna leaves and applying them on the feet will get better results. This method is followed in Ayurvedic medicine.
An un-grown toenail is something that can come off the sole of the foot. After the toenail comes out the pain can be unbearable. Some people can’t even get up in the morning. Henna is very helpful in curing these without too much. Grind henna leaves along with a little Vasambu (In English: sweet flag) and turmeric camphor and keep tying in nail and it will heal within a week.
Burns: Grind henna leaves and apply them on the affected area to heal blisters and burns. Burns in the upper skin of humans is very delicate. A burn on the skin can cause damage to the skin and cause scarring as it heals. Applying the cooling properties of henna leaves on the burn area will reduce the irritation and pain in the wound. It helps the wound to heal faster and prevent pressure sores.
Young age gray hair: Gray hair in young age is one of the few problems faced by today’s younger generation that can be cured. An easy natural remedy for this is henna. The henna leaves should be ground, flattened and dried in the shade. It should be put in the required amount of coconut oil and kept in the sun for 21 days and then filtered and sealed. This oil should be applied on the head. Due to this, the eyes become cold and hair gray will reduce and we will get good sleep too.
Headache: Grind henna leaves well and apply them on the forehead when you have a headache to cure all kinds of headache problems.
Blood Pressure: Drinking water that is soaked in henna leaves creates balance in blood pressure. Henna leaves can prevent blood clots in the blood vessels that carry blood to the heart. It is recommended to drink henna leaf water if you want to prevent heart related diseases.
Henna was used by the ancients to keep the body healthy, from the scalp to the soles of the feet.
- An old remedy for intestinal worms can be used by everyone from children to adults.
- Put henna on your hands to reduce stress.
- Controls depression.
Let’s see henna not only as a beauty product, but also as a health product.