Let’s Know The Science (Native)-Cumin
Cumin plays a very important role in all Indian cuisines. Cumin lends its distinctive flavor to chili, tamales and various Indian curries. The most common traditional use of cumin is for indigestion. Cumin is easily recognized not only by its shape but also by its aroma.
Cumin is used for various benefits in our country. It is obtained from the cumin plant. The dried seeds are called cumin. Cumin is one of the ingredients that we use as a food flavoring. Cumin provides many benefits to our body. Cumin is a medicinal herb.
Seer (cure)+Agam (body)=Seragam (called in tamil) would be perfect for this.
The Tamil poets have sung beautifully about cumin. Everything is named after knowing its cause, some are also called by nicknames (a tag/code that stands for them). It was called Seeragam by the Tamil people because it soothes the internal organs.
Cumin plays a major role in regulating the stomach. Spicy, sweet taste and it cools the body. Cumin is added to foods for its aroma, taste, and digestibility.
It is native to North Asian countries. Globally, it is widely cultivated in India and Iran.
Vitamin C and A in cumin have the potential to prevent intestine cancer. 100 grams of cumin contains many nutrients for the body. Iron, vitamin C, B, A, E, protein, fiber, monounsaturated fat etc. are also present in good amount. 56% hydrocarbons, terpene, thymol and other oily substances are extracted from cumin. In this, thymol is used in the medicines of many pharmaceutical companies to destroy stomach worms and as a disinfectant.
Medicinal Benefits of Cumin:
• Cumin has been used for thousands of years as a remedy for ailments ranging from indigestion and diarrhea to headaches.
• A lot of research is now proving the authenticity of cumin’s traditional uses.
Reduces Cholesterol:
• Cumin is considered to have hypolipidemic properties.
• A hypolipidemic substance helps control high levels of cholesterol that affect the heart.
• A study found that a dietary supplement mixed with cumin powder in yogurt helped reduce cholesterol.
Balanced Health:
• Cumin contains fiber and carminative, exhibits anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties.
• Cumin is a good source for strengthening the stomach and digestive system. Daily in-take of cumin will prevent from problems like stomachache, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation etc.
• Method of use- To get rid of stomach problems, add 5 grams of roasted cumin powder to 200 ml of water, mix and drink.
• This is a medicine for those who complain that their stomach is full for a while after eating. Take equal amounts of cumin and cardamom, roast them well, grind them to powder and take a quarter teaspoon of them after meals, this problem will be solved.
Anti-Bacterial Properties / Immunity:
• Cumin helps kill certain disease-causing bacteria in the body.
• The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of cumin seeds make it a great remedy for asthma and colds.
• It acts as an expectorant and loosens the mucus in the respiratory tract and removes it easily. A cough can be relieved when eaten with a mixture of Kalkandu(candy crystal).
Cancer prevention:
• Vitamin C and A in cumin prevents colon cancer.
• After several studies done on animals, scientists have found that cumin seeds can inhibit the growth of various types of tumors including liver, stomach and colon cancer.
• And more research is being done on cumin seeds to prevent cancer in humans.
• Cumin helps those suffering from diabetes to reduce its symptoms and effects.
• Traditionally, cumin is used in diabetes medicines. Consuming few cumin seeds and drink cold water will relieve dizziness and fainting.
Blood Pressure & Sugar: Cumin mixed with grape juice can control blood pressure. Helps to keep blood sugar levels stable and control sugar levels.
Body Shine & Hair:
• Cumin makes the body cool and makes the skin shiny. Having cumin seeds with brown sugar will enrich the skin tone.
• Drinking cumin water on an empty stomach will enhance your face, hair and health.
Mental Illness: Mental illness can be cured if you eat omnipotent spinach with cumin and small onion.
Flatulence / Stomach Ulcer:
• Cumin seeds, ginger and a little salt are consumed along with buttermilk to relieve flatulence. Cumin helps in many ways in imparting flavor and aroma. It plays an important role in the preparation of various spice powders. Remedy for indigestion and flatulence.
• Stomach ulcer and stomach irritation will be cured If you eat cumin powder with butter, One should eat only 300 to 600 mg of cumin per day.
Bile: Mix cumin with ginger and lemon juice and soak it for a day. If you eat this twice a day for three days, bile will be completely cured.
• Chew some cumin seeds and drink a glass of cold water to cure dizziness.
• Dry ginger, cumin, pepper and long pepper powder mixed with honey, it will make all the internal organs of the body work smoothly.
• Cumin improves memory by stimulating the central nervous system. Cumin seeds have the potential to treat Parkinson’s disease by helping the body’s central nervous system function.
• Cumin is very beneficial in boosting memory. Taking cumin seeds daily improves memory.
Eye: Mix Pepper powder and cumin powder and boil it with oil and rub the oil on your head and take a bath, it will cure problems like eye irritation and watery eyes.
Stimulates Appetite: Take equal quantities of cumin, dry ginger, pepper, long pepper and cardamom, grind them well and mix equal amount of brown sugar and keep it in a bottle. Before eating, take two to four pinches of this and dip it in honey and give it to the baby. It will stimulate the appetite and also maintains health.
Relieves sleeplessness:
• Cumin oils has hypnotic properties that reduces stress and anxiety issues that cause sleeplessness, its helps us to calm us down.
• Cumin also contains significant amounts of the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin.
• It also contains minerals like iron and magnesium, all of which are essential for regulating brain activity and inducing sleep at the right time.
If you exceed it, the elixir will also kill you. People who already have some physical condition (blood circulation disorder, diabetes, before surgery) should not consume cumin in large quantities.
Cumin in moderation generally does not cause any side effects in healthy individuals.
Cumin — A herb known to mankind for a long time! A good herb for flavoring and digesting food…!