Let’s Know the Science (Native) — Mustard

Sankar sundaralingam
5 min readApr 16, 2023


Mustard has been part of our diet for over 5000 years. How many of us who use mustard are aware of its medicinal prowess?

Mustard is not only added to our food for flavor and taste. There are scientific and medicinal reason behind it. Mustard seeds can also be added directly to food or mustard oil can be used while cooking. Also, while seasoning the food, you can garnish it by adding a little mustard in the oil. Mustard can be roasted, finally we can ground it and season this over mustard oil to add this on pickles. Pickles prepared with mustard oil will have more shelf life for expiry.

We have lot of relevant proverbs for mustard. To that extent mustard is combined in our life. Mustard is a very important ingredient in cooking.

There are many types of mustard such as black mustard, brown mustard, dog mustard, mountain mustard and small mustard. Mustard has no taste of its own. When mustard is added to cold water or fried in hot oil, an enzyme called myrosinase is released to remove the mustard skin. This is the reason for unique taste from mustard.

Mustard has high immunity power, and it is rich in selenium. The magnesium present in it relieves asthmatic disorders. Mustard contains high quality calcium, manganese, omega 3 fatty acid, iron, protein, fiber etc.

Medicinal Properties of Mustard Oil:

Mustard oil has many medicinal properties just like the gingelly oil we use. Some ingredients in it have the power to destroy cancer cells. Mustard oil has no body cooling properties, hence the heat generated from this oil cures headache, edema in head and many such problems.

One of the main benefits of consuming mustard oil is that it is rich in healthy fats. Using mustard oil increases the blood flow in the body. Apart from that, hair grows well.

If mustard oil is massaged on the body, the unnecessary toxins in the body will come out in sweat. You can use this mustard oil even if there is any pain in the body.


If you have dry skin and apply face pack to your face, take 2 drops of this mustard oil and mix it in the face pack, your face will glow.

People who have problems like itchiness, sores, sores, etc. if they rub the location with mustard oil on their hands, such problems will not reduce.

To cure the blood decay in the teeth, mix 1 spoon of powdered salt and 1 spoon of mustard oil and apply this mixture on the teeth every morning after brushing the teeth, the gum problems in the teeth will be reduced.

Mix fenugreek powder with mustard oil as a paste to apply it on your hair and soak it for 10 minutes to use it as shampoo to wash your hair.

Mustard oil is commonly used in every Indian household. It is beneficial for people suffering from heart disease. It helps in managing the cholesterol level in the body and helps in reducing the bad cholesterol in the blood. Both are essential for heart health.

Medicinal uses of mustard:

Cancer treatment: Compounds such as glucosinolates and myrosinase in mustard seeds have been found to use phytochemicals to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It inhibits the growth of cancer-causing cells in the body. A study published in the journal Human and Experimental Toxicology suggests that these tiny seeds have anti-cancer properties and protect against the effects of carcinogens.

Control Cough: You can make cough medicine using mustard which is used for smell and taste. Put some honey in a bowl. Add lightly roasted and powdered mustard and heat it to a mild consistency. Once it cools down, if you take the small pinch portion and eat it, the cough will be reduced.

You can make tea for dry cough using mustard. Take a quarter spoon of mustard and fry it lightly. Tear it down. Add one glass of water to this powder and boil it. By drinking it with filtered honey, the problems like cold, fever, cough, body ache, watery eyes can be cured. Drink 50 to 100 ml of this tea.

Anti-toxic power: Mustard could cure the poison effect of insect and beetle bites.

Relieves headache: Mustard acts as an effective medicine with its magnesium properties when suffering from headache or migraine. The magnesium in it soothes the nervous system and relieves aches and pains in various parts of the body.

A medicine for migraine can be prepared using mustard plant. Cut the mustard plant into small pieces, boil with water and by doing steam inhalation the migraine, headache, cough, chest cold and nasal congestion will be cured.

Controlling hiccups: You can make a topical remedy for persistent hiccups using mustard. Dissolve mustard powder in water and place it on a thin cloth near the throat to cure hiccups.

Protects the skin: It is very important to keep your skin moisturized in every season. Mustard helps a lot in this. Mustard seeds moisturize your skin and remove impurities from the skin and protect it from pimples. The anti-inflammatory molecules contained in these tiny mustard seeds reduce inflammation in the body.

Mustard to be grounded and the paste to be applied on the boils in the body during summers. Mustard seeds contain essential fatty acids for the body. It has rich essential acids such as sinigrin, myrosin and palmitic acids.

Best for digestion: Mustard seeds do have amazing benefits for the digestive tract. Mustard helps those suffering from digestive problems to get rid of it. These tiny seeds contain a lot of fiber, which helps in easy elimination of waste and improves the digestive power of the body.

Strengthens bones and teeth: Mustard is very good for bones as it is rich in the mineral selenium. It strengthens your bones. Also mustard helps to add strength to nails, hair and teeth. Mustard contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules. It helps in reducing the pain in the gum’s, bones and teeth.

Prevents the appearance of aging: By including mustard in the diet, aging can be delayed. Mustard seeds are rich in vitamins A, K and C. It helps in reducing the signs of aging in a man.

Other health benefits:

• Better for heart health.

• Purifies the blood and controls blood pressure.

• Used as pain reliever. Reduces pain.

• Resolves menstrual problems.

• Increases immunity.

Mustard which has various benefits has a stimulating effect on the internal organs. It helps to stimulate appetite. It is astonishing to see the various scientific benefits in this little mustard.

